Oct 2, 2021
The Night Pete Lassoed the Moon
That night's round up was just like any other, until it wasn't. The first blush of sunset colored the sky's cheeks and several rows of...

Sep 11, 2021
The Witch of Canyon Valley
The turkey watching Laurel from the side of the road was much too still for a turkey and that's how she knew right away it was a witch....

Jun 25, 2021
The Lightning Riders
Kino knew she wasn't meant to be up this late. She should be at home, sleeping in her hammock, the mud walls keeping her cool and safe...

Apr 24, 2021
By the River
There wasn't anything at all for Mike and Frankie to do on a Friday night in Perrytown so they went down to the creek to see if they...

Oct 5, 2020
The Ghosts of Longwood Drive
The ghosts of 218 Longwood Drive were due for a home shift but they hadn't heard from their upcoming accommodations in two days. It was...

Sep 11, 2020
The Treasure Tinaja
It was the first time Grigs had met a jackalope and that's what he said to the jackalope when he met him. "Really?" the jackalope said....