Aug 3, 2020
After a while, they wouldn't let Lucy use the press anymore. Every time she got her hands on it, the words got up off the papers a few...
Jul 31, 2020
When Cemeteries Sing
I love cemeteries. I like to walk through them reading aloud the names engraved on the tombstones. I like to feel the consonants rolling...
Jul 27, 2020
Meg was so proud to find her first red tomato that she barely noticed them at first. She came out that afternoon with the dog, mostly to...
Jul 20, 2020
A Walk by the Port
Sometimes, I walk up to the port with my dog and let him smell the salt air and the watch the waves crash against the docks. He loves to...
Jul 13, 2020
The Purples
Corey woke up Friday with a purple face. It wasn't a big deal. When he was 11, he'd had a face as purple as an eggplant for a whole week...